
We specialize in the art and science of learning.

However, more than that, we are focused on improving human performance through enhanced, smarter training methods and tools. Quite simply, we make great educational products that help people train better.

Pedagogy over Technology

We are fluent in a wide range of new technologies and elearning standards (parlez-vous SCORM?), but prioritize good instructional design and evidence-based methods over technology for its own sake. We employ high production standards and great graphic design that is informed by the latest principles of multimedia learning.

And we study what we produce. Our team are also leading academic researchers in the science of web-based learning. Here are just a few examples of some of our publications in leading scientific journals.

  • What do we mean by web-based learning? A systematic review of the variability of interventions.
    View Abstract.
  • Where is evidence-based instructional design in medical education curriculum development. Levinson AJ. Med Educ. 2010 Jun;44(6):536-7.
  • Instructional design variations in internet-based learning for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    View Abstract.
  • Time and learning efficiency in Internet-based learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    View Abstract.
  • A randomized trial to evaluate e-learning interventions designed to improve learner’s performance, satisfaction, and self-efficacy with the AGREE II.
    View Abstract.
  • Computer animations in medical education: a critical literature review.
    View Abstract.
  • Internet-based learning in the health professions: a meta-analysis.
    View Abstract.
  • Virtual reality and brain anatomy: a randomized trial of e-learning instructional designs.
    View Abstract.

Our products and team members have been recognized with awards and accolades, within the fields of medical education and for training and development more broadly.